• Corduff Primary Care Centre
  • Corduff Primary Care Centre
  • Corduff Primary Care Centre
  • Corduff Primary Care Centre
  • Corduff Primary Care Centre

Corduff Primary Care Centre

2,300 m2

Dublin, Ireland

2015, 2016

The development in Blanchardstown consists of a 3-storey Primary Care Centre building, separate exterior car parking facilities for patients and staff and a public realm space.  The Primary Care Centre contains medical consultation and treatment areas along with ancillary areas such as administration offices, meeting rooms, storage, staff canteen and other spaces.

Axiseng was commissioned by the client to lead the mechanical and electrical services design of the centre, based on their track-record in healthcare projects and delivering them on time and budget.

There were several challenges due to the specific requirements of the HSE for a cost-effective design, combined with high standards in serviceability and sustainability. They required several permutations of the dynamic thermal model in conjunction with architect to achieve the maximum level of spaces that could meet comfort level by means of solely natural ventilation and central heating. This allowed for a significant reduction in both build and running costs.

A similar approach was taken with electrical services where systems were designed to be both highly efficient and easily serviceable.

The design had been well coordinated prior to construction but during construction there were multiple changes in the mix of services being provided within the centre. 3 dental suites and CAMHS rooms were included/relocated within. In order to maintain program and ensure the client achieved their aspirations for all parties, we had an efficient redesign and cost analysis process which provided contractors with required information to cost changes, analysis and production of construction on information once approved.